General information
The Call is now available!
Conference Schedule
Wednesday, June 18, 2025 (afternoon)
AIEAA pre-Conference
AIEAA Young Researchers' Day 2025 (see the specific Section)
Thursday, June 19, 2025 (all day)
14th AIEAA Conference
Friday, June 20, 2025 (all day)
14th AIEAA Conference
Program Committee
Adele Coppola, Chair (University of Basilicata, Potenza)
Simone Cerroni (University of Trento and BAE Editorial Board)
Raffaele Cortignani (University of Tuscia, Viterbo)
Anna Irene De Luca (Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria)
Francesca Galli (University of Pisa and Chair of the LOC)
Elisa Giampietri (University of Padova, Padova)
Roberto Henke (CREA, Rome)
Francesco Pagliacci (University of Padova, Padova and member of the AIEAA Board)
Lena Luise Schaller (Boku University, Wien)
Local Organizing Committee
Francesca Galli (University of Pisa, Italy, Chair of the LOC)
Michele Moretti (University of Pisa, Italy)
Tiziana Nadalutti (University of Pisa, Italy)
Francesca Imperatore (University of Pisa, Italy)
Alessio Cavicchi (University of Pisa, Italy)
Sonia Massari (University of Pisa, Italy)
Sabrina Arcuri (University of Pisa, Italy)
Daniele Vergamini (University of Pisa, Italy)
Sabrina Tomasi (University of Pisa, Italy)
Chiara Mignani (University of Pisa, Italy)
Silvia Rolandi (University of Pisa, Italy)
Cristina Nali (University of Pisa, Italy)
Francesco Paolo Di Iacovo (University of Pisa, Italy)
Francesco Riccioli (University of Pisa, Italy)
Roberta Moruzzo (University of Pisa, Italy)
Information and contacts
For updated information and contacts, please refer to the conference website at or email
Reconciling competitiveness and sustainability in the agrifood system: the role of knowledge and innovation
The European farmers' protests in 2023 and early 2024, even if triggered by countries-specific issues, have in common the unsolved trade-off between complying with environmental restrictions the EU imposes on farmers and competing in a context where non-EU producers are not subject to the same environmental and food safety regulations. Indeed, farmers, on one side, face a demand for more sustainable production models; on the other side, they experience deep competition in the global market in a context of fast, sometimes radical, changes in technologies. At the same time, society plays a crucial role, being more aware of the environmental risks of agricultural activities and the potential food waste and advocating for a more sustainable food chain.
The Commission's answers to the wave of protests, the proposed amendments to CAP regulations and the weakening of some environmental initiatives, represent only a temporary solution. If farmers and their representatives consider them a "success", the position of consumers and environmentalists is diametrically opposed.
To address these trade-offs in the agrifood system and potentially solve the related conflicts in our society, reconciling competitiveness and sustainability in the agrifood system becomes a priority. That requires deepening the relationships between these two concepts and carefully analysing factors that can affect them.
In 2015, the AIEAA Conference "Innovation, productivity and growth: towards agrifood production" dealt with the themes of sustainability and innovation. However, the questions and the issues that inspired the scientific debate then were rather different. At that time, the main concern was the relationship between innovation and productivity, productivity and growth, sustainable agricultural innovations, and long-term patterns of food production. Since then, the international scenario has profoundly and unpredictably changed. First, the pandemic, then the wars, the rethinking of globalisation and multilateral relationships, the role of some emerging actors like China, India, and Brazil, the extremisation of climate events and global warming, the advance in the digital and ecological transformations, all these external factors have contributed to new dynamics and unprecedented thinking.
In light of all these new critical factors, the 2025 AIEAA Conference intends to investigate the links between sustainability and competitiveness, ideally bridging the work of ten years ago and moving forward in the research and discussion.
Both sustainability and competitiveness are broad concepts, and the relationship between them, as well as the factors that influence this relationship, may depend on the territorial scale - whether the focus is on the national, regional, or farm level - on the time perspective (short-run and long-run), on the general development level, and on the perspectives of different actors involved. Knowledge and innovation can play a relevant role in bridging these two concepts. However, their drivers, generation and diffusion processes, and characteristics can differ according to the analysis scale and perspective.
Innovation is one of the principal strategies for reconciling competitiveness and sustainability in the agrifood system by encompassing several different areas:
- technological advancements, such as 4.0 agriculture and over, sustainable intensification, and precision agriculture;
- management strategies, such as sustainable management practices, that can adapt to environmental pressures without compromising productivity;
- investment policies, which are crucial for maintaining competitiveness in an uncertain environment, including protecting agricultural firms from a range of risks (natural risks, market risks, etc.).
It is of the utmost importance to comprehend how agricultural economics and associated disciplines can facilitate the delineation of transformation pathways, transcending the anachronistic zero-sum paradigm. That will enable the generation of mutually advantageous win-win scenarios that augment environmental and societal value, while concomitantly reinforcing organisational competitiveness.
The XIV AIEAA Conference aims to deepen this analysis and puts knowledge and innovation at the core of the scientific and cultural debate on reconciling agrifood system competitiveness and sustainability goals in terms of development trajectories and policies. We invite scientists, academics, public officers, and stakeholders in the field of agrifood system to discuss this relevant topic and intend to contribute to the current debate on how to find a reliable and viable way to rethink the role of knowledge and innovation in the contemporary agrifood system. AIEAA welcomes contributions based on methodological and conceptual approaches, policy analyses, empirical models, and case study presentations.
Specific issues to be addressed include:
- Assessing coherence and trade-offs between economic, social, and environmental sustainability in the agrifood system;
- Sustainable and/or competitive agrifood systems models;
- Adoption and diffusion of innovations;
- Knowledge share, access, exchange and use in the context of Agricultural Innovation Systems;
- New policies and new approaches to support innovation in the agrifood systems;
- Social innovation and new governance of agrifood systems;
- Digital and ecological transitions for sustainable agrifood systems;
- Innovation to improve resilience in agrifood systems;
- Policies, analysis and tools to help agrifood businesses adapt and manage income risks.
AIEAA welcomes the submission of contributions on the topics above. However, the submission of contributions on other agricultural and applied economics topics is also encouraged.
Call for papers
The Call for papers for the 14th AIEAA Conference "Reconciling competitiveness and sustainability in the agrifood system: the role of knowledge and innovation" is now available.
Proposals should be submitted in English through the Conference management platform Conftool.
The deadlines for submission are:
- February 28th 2025 for contributed papers;
- March 15th 2025, for pitches and organised sessions or panels.
Contribution proposals should be submitted in English through the Conference management platform, Conftool.
There are three types of contributions: Contributed papers, Organized and Panel sessions, and Pitches.
The submission must be made using the provided Templates (in attachment).
Contributed papers
Participants intending to present a contributed paper are requested to submit an extended abstract (minimum 1,500 words; maximum 2,000 words) before February 28th, 2025. Abstracts should include the following:
1. Introduction to the topic and objectives of the paper
2. Description of data and research methodology
3. Discussion of the expected theoretical and empirical results
4. Main conclusions and emphasis on the paper's potential for generating discussion during the Conference.
5. A list of few essential references.
All submitted abstracts will be subject to a blind peer review process. Authors will be notified of paper acceptance by April 15th, 2025.
The final version of accepted contributions (either in the form of a full paper or revised extended abstract) should be submitted by May 31st, 2025.
Organised sessions and Panel sessions
Participants are invited to propose organized and panel sessions primarily, but not exclusively, on topics relevant to the Conference themes. Organised sessions include several (papers) presentations around a given topic, while organised panel sessions include several experts discussing a specific topic. It is suggested that the proposed sessions include up to four presentations/panelists. Proposals should be submitted by March 15th, 2025. Proposals will be subject to a peer review process. Authors will be notified of acceptance by April 15th, 2025.
AIEAA welcomes the submission of pitches (short presentations of maximum 5 minutes and 3 slides). Accepted pitches will be presented and discussed in the parallel sessions. Participants should submit an abstract (max 500 words) by March 15th, 2025. Pitches proposals will be subject to a blind peer review process. Authors will be notified of acceptance by April 15th, 2025.
Ornella Maietta Best paper award
The best paper award 2025, entitled to Ornella Maietta, will be selected among papers accepted for presentation at the AIEAA 2025 Conference. The requirements for consideration for the best paper award are:
a) the first author and presenter is below 40 years;
b) the full paper is uploaded by May 31st 2025.
Venues for AIEAA 2025 Conference Events
June 18th, 2025
- Young Researchers’ Day - Aula Magna Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari ed Agro-ambientali - Via del Borghetto, 80, 56124 Pisa (PI)
- Pre-Conference - Aula Magna Polo Didattico le Piagge - Via Giacomo Matteotti, 11, 56124 Pisa (PI)
Social Dinner - Stazione Leopolda - Via Amerigo Vespucci, 23, 56125 Pisa (PI)
June 19th and 20th, 2025
- Conference - Polo Didattico le Piagge - Via Giacomo Matteotti, 11, 56124 Pisa (PI)
Some accommodation proposals are included in the attached list
How to register to the Conference
You can register through the Conference management platform, Conftool.
Registration Fees
Registration fees include the Conference lunches, the coffee breaks, the social dinner and the aperitif.
Early Registration (before May 15th)
Regular fee: 310€ (230€ if already AIEAA member in 2025)
Reduced fee (Ph.D. students, Postdoc): 180€ (140€ if already AIEAA member in 2025)
Late Registration (after May 15th)
Regular fee: 380€ (300€ if already AIEAA member in 2025)
Reduced fee (Ph.D. students, Postdoc): 260€ (220€ if already AIEAA member in 2025)
Important deadlines
Abstract submission by authors: February 28th, 2025
Organised session/pitches submission: March 15th, 2025
Notification of acceptance to abstract authors: April 15th, 2025
Notification of acceptance to session/pitches authors: April 15th, 2025
Final contributions submission: May 31st, 2025
Authors' registration deadline: May 31st, 2025
Young Researchers' Day
Dear Colleagues,
we are pleased to inform you that the third Young Researchers' Day will be hosted by the University of Pisa on 18th June 2025 afternoon from 2 pm. This will be followed on 19-20 June by the 14th AIEAA Conference.
What is the purpose of the 2025 Young Researchers' Day?
It will address current research trends in applied and agricultural economics. The main objective is to raise our awareness on the sustainable transition of the agrifood systems, its challenges and opportunities.
What is our plan?
Information will be available very soon.
Young researchers intending to participate are requested to register through the Conference management platform, Conftool.
Participants must register for the Conference before May 31st, 2025.
Registration is available upon to be an active 2025 AIEAA member.
Social event venue
Information will be available very soon.
Information and contacts
For updated information and contacts, please refer to the conference website at or email at