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The social sustainability of European agriculture facing old and new challenges. Issues, methods and policies
The 13th AIEAA Conference "The social sustainability of European agriculture facing old and new challenges. Issues, methods and policies" will be hosted by the University of Bari on 20-21 June 2024

The Updated Conference Agenda is available on Conftool at “Browse Conference Agenda”!


The Agenda is also available on the App "Conference4me" (downloadable on your mobile), then search “13th AIEAA Conference”.


Conference Schedule

AIEAA – Young Researchers Day 2024 will be held on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 in the afternoon 

The Pre-conference will be held on Thursday, June 20, 2024 in the morning

The 13th AIEAA Conference will start on Thursday, June 20, 2024 in the afternoon and will end on Friday, June 21, 2024


Program Committee

Anna Carbone - Chair (University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy)

Aurora Cavallo (Unimercatorum University, Rome, Italy)

Pavel Ciaian (Joint Research Centre, Seville, Spain)

Alessandro Corsi (University of Turin, Italy)

Giacomo Giannoccaro (University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy)

Margarita Rico Gonzales (University of Valladolid, Spain)

Roberta Sardone (CREA, Rome, Italy)

Alessandra Scardigno (CIHEAM-Bari, Italy)

Anna Vagnozzi (CREA, Rome, Italy)

Matteo Zavalloni (University of Urbino, Italy)


Local Organizing Committee

Giacomo Giannoccaro - Chair (University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy)

Francesco Bozzo (University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy)

Maria Carla Martelli (CIHEAM Bari, Italy)

Giovanni Ottomano Palmisano (University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy)

Maurizio Prosperi (University of Foggia, Italy)

Simone Russo (University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy)

Fabio Gaetano Santeramo (University of Foggia, Italy)

Ruggiero Sardaro (University of Foggia, Italy)

Sarah Stempfle (University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy)

Marco Tappi (University of Foggia, Italy)

Grazia Valentino (CREA, Bari, Italy)

Cristina Vaquero Pineiro (University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy)


Information and contacts

For updated information and contacts, please refer to the conference website at or email 

Event Date
The social sustainability of European agriculture facing old and new challenges. Issues, methods and policies

In the last years the concept of sustainability, encompassing its three environmental, economic, and social dimensions, has gained increasing attention in the scientific debate as well as in the broad society and in the political debate, especially at the EU level. However, so far speculations on the concepts and measures for environmental sustainability, and partly for its economic dimension, are, if not fully satisfactory, certainly more advanced than the state of the art of the reflections on what social sustainability precisely is, which aspects are included in it and how to measure them. Although current events increasingly drive our attention to the challenges and contradictions of ongoing social transformations and tensions, the topic still presents itself as extremely multifaceted, magmatic and largely elusive.

The agricultural sector has a primary role in the debate on social sustainability since the transformations linked to climate change, geopolitical crises, technological transformation and pandemic disruption have fully hit it in recent years. In addition, EU policies and especially the CAP are increasingly concerned by the direct and indirect impacts on society of the EU regulatory frameworks and of support policies. Even the longer-term dynamics in agriculture and some of its structural characteristics represent real challenges to its social sustainability. Just think to:

  • the survival difficulties of family businesses in increasingly globalized markets and supply chains characterized by giant firms; 
  • the lack of generational turnover and the increasing demographic imbalances;
  • fragile workers’ and women’s working conditions in agriculture and rural areas;
  • the instability of the labor market and the widespread asymmetries between supply and demand (and in some cases its illegality). And, on the top of these, the complex migration issues and the management of EU and non-EU workers, whether seasonal or not;
  • the depopulation and marginalization of some rural areas;
  • the social implications of environmental degradation and climate change of which agriculture is both victim and responsible;
  • the social impact of the healthiness of the agricultural environment and of the products that the sector delivers to citizens and consumers.

From the above, it is clear how the issue of social sustainability of agriculture has direct and indirect implications on the management of farms/firms/companies as well as on the governance of supply chains but also on the territories and local production systems and, more generally on the vitality and attractiveness of rural areas.

The 13th AIEAA Annual Conference, titled "The social sustainability of European agriculture facing old and new challenges. Issues, methods and policies ", aims at contributing to the discussion and to advancing the shared knowledge on the above comprehensive theme with respect to concept definitions and analysis, as well as on methodological issues, policy tools and perspectives.

The overall conference theme has a focus on, but is not limited to, the following sub-themes:

  • Advancing the theoretical framework for analyzing social sustainability.
  • Advancing the measure(s) of social sustainability through data collection and identification of indicators.
  • Intersections, synergies, and trade-offs among the three dimensions of sustainability.
  • Social issues in the agricultural labor market, including workers’ protection and legality of labor; gender issues; demographic change; generational turnover, the management of migration flows.
  • Social innovations facing emerging challenges: governance, practices and policy issues.
  • The role of social farming in all its diverse forms.
  • The social impact of unfairness and unbalances along supply chains (e.g. Unfair Trade Practices).
  • Implications for the society of food safety and food security disruptions.
  • Policy options to respond to social sustainability issues.
  • Social challenges and opportunities deriving from technological innovations and consequent emerging re-organization processes.
  • Living conditions and quality of life in rural areas.
  • AIEAA welcomes the submission of contributions on the topics above. However, the submission of contributions on other agricultural and applied economics topics is also encouraged.

AIEAA welcomes the submission of contributions on the topics above. However, the submission of contributions on other agricultural and applied economics topics is also encouraged.

The Call for papers for the 13th AIEAA Conference "The social sustainability of European agriculture facing old and new challenges. Issues, methods and policies" is now available.

Proposals should be submitted in English through the Conference management platform Conftool.

The deadlines for submission are:
  • February 29th, 2024 (postponed to March 15th, 2024), for contributed papers;

  • March 15th, 2024, for pitches and organised sessions or panels.
Attachment Call for Papers

Contribution proposals should be submitted in English through the Conference management platform, Conftool.

There are three types of contributions: Contributed papers, Organized and Panel sessions, and Pitches.

The submission must be made using the provided Templates available here and in the Section "Materials".

Contributed papers

Participants intending to present a contributed paper are requested to submit an extended abstract (minimum 1,500 words; maximum 2,000 words) before February 29th, 2024 (postponed to March 15th, 2024). Abstracts should include the following:

a. Introduction to the topic and objectives of the paper

b. Description of data and research methodology

c. Discussion of the expected theoretical and empirical results

d. Main conclusions and emphasis on the paper’s potential for generating discussion during the Conference.

e. A list of few essential references.

All submitted abstracts will be subject to a blind peer review process. Authors will be notified of paper acceptance by April 15th, 2024.

The final version of accepted contributions (either in the form of a full paper or revised extended abstract) should be submitted by May 31st, 2024.

Upon the Authors’ authorization, the final version of the abstract/paper will be made available on the conference website and AgEcon Search.

Authors may indicate their willingness to participate in the Special Issue that Bio-based and Applied Economics dedicates to the Annual Conference of the AIEAA. The papers will be subject to a standard review process.

Organized sessions and Panel sessions

Participants are invited to propose organized and panel sessions primarily, but not exclusively, on topics relevant to the Conference themes.

Organized sessions include several (papers) presentations around a given topic; while organized panel sessions include several experts discussing a specific topic. It is suggested that the proposed sessions include up to four presentations/panelists.

Proposals should be submitted by March 15th, 2024Proposals will be subject to a peer review process. Authors will be notified of acceptance by April 24th, 2024.


AIEAA welcomes the submission of pitches (short presentations of maximum 5 minutes and 3 slides). Accepted pitches will be presented and discussed in the parallel sessions.

Participants should submit an abstract (max 500 words) by March 15th, 2024. Pitches proposals will be subject to a blind peer review process. Authors will be notified of acceptance by April 24th, 2024.

Ornella Maietta Best paper award

The best paper award 2024, entitled to Ornella Maietta, will be selected among papers accepted for presentation at the AIEAA 2024 Conference. The requirements for consideration for the best paper award are: a) the first author and presenter is below 40 years; b) the full paper is uploaded by May 31st 2024.

The Pre-Conference and the Conference will take place at the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
Department of Soil, Plant and Food Sciences (Di.S.S.P.A)


A Room Map is available Here!


The Di.S.S.P.A is located within the University Campus “Ernesto Quagliarello”.

The Department is 20 minutes walking from the Central railway station (Bari Centrale).

Campus entry is from Via G. Amendola 165/A and Via E. Orabona 4.

For those coming by car, the access is only from Via E. Orabona 4.

A map of the area is available here.

The social dinner will take place at "Villa Romanazzi Carducci"

Via Giuseppe Capruzzi 326 - Bari

The Restaurant can be reached by walking distance in about 30 minutes from the Conference venue.


Bari is easily connected to highway, railway, and airport.

By car:

Highway A14

- For who arrive from the north: Tollbooth Bari north

- For who arrive from the south: Tollbooth Bari South

By train:

go to the page

By bus:

go to the page or

By plane:

go to the page

The airport is easily connected to the Central railway station (Bari Centrale) through a local train service ( and a bus shuttle (



Attachment Venue
room_map.pdf (271.8 KB)

Some of the hotels listed here offer discounted rates for accommodation that have agreements with the University of Bari.

To take advantage of the discounted rate it is necessary to follow the instructions indicated.

Attachment Accomodation
How to register to the Conference

You can register through the Conference management platform, Conftool.


Registration Fees

Registration fees include the Conference lunches, the coffee breaks and the social dinner.


Early Registration (before May 15th)

Regular fee: 280€ (200€ if already AIEAA member in 2024)

Reduced fee (Ph.D. students, Postdoc): 150€ (110€ if already AIEAA member in 2024)


Late Registration (after May 15th)

Regular fee: 320€ (240€ if already AIEAA member in 2024)

Reduced fee (Ph.D. students, Postdoc): 210€ (170€ if already AIEAA member in 2024)

Important deadlines


Abstract submission by authors: February 29th, 2024 (postponed to March 15th, 2024)

Organized session/pitches submission: March 15th, 2024

Notification of acceptance to abstract authors: April 15th, 2024 (postponed to April 22th, 2024)

Notification of acceptance to session/pitches authors: April 24th, 2024

Final contributions submission: May 31st, 2024

Authors’ registration deadline: May 31st, 2024

1 Keynote: Jesús Antón (OECD, Paris)
"Reconciling Productivity and Sustainability: Are agricultural policies in OECD countries changing compass?"

Abstract: Historically several OECD countries have had agricultural policies with relatively high levels of support to farmers. A first wave of reforms since the 1990s moved policies from supporting prices to providing decoupled income support. More recently policy objectives have focused on the challenge of achieving more ambitious environmental sustainability goals for agriculture. Social sustainability is called to be the next third pillar towards achieving a sustainable productivity growth and respond to the triple challenge of food systems: food security and nutrition, better livelihoods and enhanced sustainability. Are current policies and trends targeting these new multiple goals?  

Discussant: Roberto Henke (CREA PB)


2 Keynote: Eva-Marie Memeken (ETH Zürich)
"Labor Policy and Social Sustainability in Food Systems"

Abstract: Food systems pose numerous sustainability challenges, with research on social sustainability only emerging. This talk specifically addresses the 8th Sustainable Development Goal—decent work and employment—centering on hired food systems workers but also considering self-employed farmers and entrepreneurs. Working conditions in food systems, particularly for migrant workers in labor-intensive, lower-skilled jobs like fruit and vegetable production, meat processing, and food services, are often precarious. Violations of decent work criteria by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) include low pay, inadequate accommodation, health hazards, discrimination, sexual violence, and labor trafficking. These issues predominantly affect migrant workers but self-employed farmers are also exposed to several occupational risks, evidenced by high levels of stress, depression, and suicide rates. While existing evidence highlights these challenges, research on solutions remains limited, despite increasing interest from policymakers, industry, and consumers. This talk provides an overview of the scant evidence on the potential of policy, institutions, and technology to promote decent work in food systems while underscoring the need for further research to advance the 8th Sustainable Development Goal within food systems.

Discussant: Benedetto Rocchi (University of Florence)

Plenary Panel
"Evaluating and monitoring the sustainability of EU farms: the new FSDN"


Luca Cesaro (CREA PB), Chair

Hans Vrolijk ( WUR-NL)

Franziska Schweiger (EC-DG Agri)

Eugenio Pomarici (University of Padua)

Attachment Keynote speakers
The Young Researcher's Day will take place on the afternoon of  Wednesday, June 19th upon the specific registration for the event.
                              For further details please see the Young Researcher's Day Section in the menu on the left.
               The Updated Conference Agenda is available on Conftool! 


           The Agenda is also available on the App "Conference4me"
   (downloadable on your mobile), then search “13th AIEAA Conference”
              The Confrence Programme (pdf) is available Here
           The Conference Programme at a Glance is available Here

La transizione ecologica: sfide e opportunità per il comparto olivicolo-oleario
Bari, 20 Giugno 2024 ore 09:45-12:00
Aula Magna ex-Facoltà di Agraria
Via Giovanni Amendola 165/A


Il processo di transizione ecologica pone nuove sfide per il sistema agroalimentare. Tali sfide investono scelte di carattere tecnologico con grandi ripercussioni sugli equilibri organizzativi dell’intera società, in una dimensione diventata ormai planetaria. D’altra parte, la conversione ecologica dei sistemi produttivi rappresenta anche una grande opportunità di implementazione di pratiche sostenibili lungo tutta la catena del valore, in grado di rispondere alle sfide del cambiamento climatico in modo inclusivo. Infatti, è un'opportunità per tutti i cittadini di diventare parte attiva del cambiamento attraverso un maggiore livello di consapevolezza dei propri consumi.

Tuttavia, le traiettorie lungo le quali la transizione può avanzare, e i relativi meccanismi di adattamento, non sono ancora chiari mentre emergono alcuni effetti indesiderati. Il processo di transizione pone nuove sfide anche alle politiche di sostegno del settore per cui le scelte strategiche non possono essere a lungo procrastinate.

In questo contesto è organizzato un confronto con gli operatori del settore olivicolo-oleario con l’obiettivo di delineare le maggiori sfide nel processo di transizione in atto, senza tuttavia trascurare le opportunità che la transizione ecologica può portare.

La giornata è anche un’occasione di divulgazione dei risultati scientifici raggiunti nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca nazionale DRASTIC “Driving the Italian Food System into a Circular Economy Model”. Gli obiettivi di DRASTIC tengono in considerazione le sfide per la transizione della filiera dell’olio d’oliva. L’Economia Circolare potrebbe essere il paradigma per riconcettualizzare la futura industria agroalimentare ricreando una coesistenza equilibrata fra il sistema economico e quello ambientale.

09:45-10:00 Apertura dei lavori (saluti istituzionali)

10:00 11:00 Interventi programmati

10’ Presentazione del progetto DRASTIC (Prof. Luigi Cembalo, Università di Napoli Federico II, Portici-Italia)

20’ La transizione ecologica nel sistema produttivo pugliese (Prof. Giacomo Giannoccaro, Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Bari-Italia)

20’ Il sistema olivicolo spagnolo: passato, presente e futuro (Dr. Sergio Colombo Área de Economía y Políticas Agrarias IFAPA, Granada-Spagna)

11:00-12:00 Tavola rotonda con gli stakeholders (durante la tavola rotonda ci sarà opportunità di interazione dell’auditorio attraverso messaggistica)

Ordine alfabetico

Savino Agresti (Agroenergy s.r.l. Società Agricola)

Antonio Bruno (Consorzio Bonifica e irrigazione Ugento Lì Foggi)

Nicolantonio Cassanelli (Agri.Pro.Fin s.r.l Società consulenza)

Benedetto Fracchiolla (Finoliva Cooperativa)

Pantaleo Piccinno (DAJS - Distretto agroalimentare di qualità Jonico Salentino)

Maria Rosaria Pupo D'Andrea (Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l'analisi dell'economia agraria – CREA)

Michele Ruberto (MIPA AGRICOLA s.s.)

Luigi Trotta (Dipartimento Agricoltura, Sviluppo Rurale ed Ambientale – Regione Puglia)


Attachment programme
2nd Young Researchers' Day
19 June 2024
University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy


Dear Colleagues,

we are pleased to inform you that the second Young Researchers' Day will be hosted by the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” on 19 June 2024 from 3.00 p.m. until 5.45 p.m.

This will be followed on 20-21 June by the 13th AIEAA Conference, on the topic "The social sustainability of European agriculture facing old and new challenges. Issues, methods and policies". 


Young researchers intending to participate are requested to submit a short-written project proposal in English (10 lines maximum) highlighting one topic that you consider relevant for the future of our research field, based on trends that you are aware of. The proposal must be submitted before the May 31st, 2024 through the Conference management platform, Conftool.

The submission must be made using the provided Template. All submitted proposals will be accepted and they will be expanded and discussed during the group work session.

What is the purpose of the Research Challenge?

It will address current research trends in applied and agricultural economics.

The main objective is to raise our awareness of the issues that research is called upon to address.

A keynote presentation will be followed by a group activity, the Research Challenge. 

Each team will write a research report on an assigned topic and will be asked to present and defend their proposal to participants.

Who is our speaker?

Dr. Stefano Grando is an external expert consultant for research policy and international collaboration at the Italian Ministry of agriculture, food sovereignty and forestry, and collaborates with the University of Pisa. His research and activity fields include rural development, rural sociology, food studies, agricultural and bioeconomy policy. He has been involved in several EU research projects, he has published articles on Italian and international journals and he is co-editor and co-author of three books.

What's involved?

The challenge co